Kulczynski, Alicia, Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M.. Elsevier; 2017. Pictures are grate! Examining the effectiveness of pictorial-based homophones on consumer judgments.
Hits: 2915
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia, Baxter, Stacy M.. World Advertising Research Center; 2018. How a smile can make a difference: enhancing the persuasive appeal of celebrity endorsers: boosting consumer perceptions of celebrity genuineness through the use of a "Duchenne smile" in advertising.
Hits: 2741
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Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia, Ilicic, Jasmina. Routledge; 2016. Ads aimed at dads: exploring consumers' reactions towards advertising that conforms and challenges traditional gender role ideologies.
Hits: 1532
Visitors: 1816
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Elsevier; 2016. White eyes are the window to the pure soul: metaphorical association and overgeneralization effects for spokespeople with limbal rings.
Hits: 3063
Visitors: 3402
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Baxter, Stacey, Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia. Emerald Publishing; 2017. You see froot, you think fruit: examining the effectiveness of pseudohomophone priming.
Hits: 6489
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Routledge; 2019. To meet or meat? homophones in advertising encourage judgments and behaviors in children.
Hits: 517
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Kulczynski, Alicia, Brennan, Stacey, Ilicic, Jasmina. Palgrave Macmillan; 2021. A spokesperson with any name won’t be as charming: the phonetic effect of spokesperson name and gender on personality evaluations.
Hits: 1269
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Rayner, Ethan, Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina. Elsevier; 2015. Smoker's recall of fear appeal imagery: examining the effect of fear intensity and fear type.
Hits: 1980
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Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia, Lowrey, Tina M.. Springer; 2017. Using sublexical priming to enhance brand name phonetic symbolism effects in young children.
Hits: 3015
Visitors: 2052
Downloads: 172
Kennedy, Amanda, Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina. John Wiley & Sons; 2019. Celebrity versus film persona endorsements: Examining the effect of celebrity transgressions on consumer judgments.
Hits: 1189
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Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina. Palgrave Macmillan; 2015. Three's company: investigating cognitive and sentiment unit imbalance in co-branding partnerships.
Hits: 1658
Visitors: 1943
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Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia, Ilicic, Jasmina. Elsevier BV; 2014. Revisiting the automaticity of phonetic symbolism effects.
Hits: 5055
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Emerald Publishing; 2018. Spot the difference: examining facial characteristics that enhance spokesperson effectiveness.
Hits: 1402
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Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina. Elsevier; 2018. May the force drag your dynamic logo: the brand work-energy effect.
Hits: 1078
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Baxter, Stacey, Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia. Springer; 2014. What's in a name? Examining the effect of phonetic fit between spokesperson name and product attributes on source credibility.
Hits: 7971
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Palgrave Macmillan; 2016. The impact of age on consumer attachment to celebrities and endorsed brand attachment.
Hits: 1502
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Palgrave Macmillan; 2019. Keeping it real: examining the influence of co-branding authenticity in cause-related marketing.
Hits: 1089
Visitors: 1088
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Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia. Palgrave Macmillan; 2018. Roses are red, violets are blue, sophisticated brands have a Tiffany Hue: The effect of iconic brand color priming on brand personality judgments.
Hits: 623
Visitors: 617
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey, Kulczynski, Alicia. Emerald Publishing; 2015. Names versus faces: examining spokesperson-based congruency effects in advertising.
Hits: 4606
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey, Kulczynski, Alicia. Emerald; 2018. Pseudohomophones as brand names: Prioritising the emotionally interesting homophone.
Hits: 892
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing; 2014. Fit in celebrity-charity alliances: when perceived celanthropy benefits nonprofit organisations.
Hits: 1519
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Ilicic, Jasmina, Brennan, Stacey M., Kulczynski, Alicia. Springer New York LLC; 2020. Sinfully decadent: priming effects of immoral advertising symbols on indulgence.
Hits: 1039
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Kulczynski, Alicia, Ilicic, Jasmina, Baxter, Stacey M.. John Wiley & Sons; 2016. When your source is smiling, consumers may automatically smile with you: investigating the source expressive display hypothesis.
Hits: 1912
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Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia, Lowrey, Tina. Emerald Group Publishing; 2015. Communicating product size using sound and shape symbolism.